Creative Commons - Capítulo Panamá English
Affiliate Team Roadmap
- Date submitted:
- Timespan of this roadmap:
Team information
- Jurisdiction:
- Affiliated institutions:
IPANDETEC - Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías
Fundación Panameña de Tecnologías Libres - PANTEC
- Complete list of all members of the Affiliate Team, their roles, and field(s) of expertise
Main members
Lia P. Hernández Pérez: public lead, lawyer
is suitable lawyer in Panama and Spain, specialized in IT Law and Information Technology Law, and also she has been teaching at several universities in the area. Currently, besides being a Legal Consultant for issues related to Information Technology rights and communication (ICT), she is highly motivated with innovation and entrepreneurship, through the incorporation of companies for entrepreneurs and personal data protection and protection of their creations from the point of view of intellectual, industrial property and computer law.
Mónica J. Mora: public lead, engineer
Engineer with a master's degree in the area of technological innovation . She has worked for more than six years as a project coordinator in the area of knowledge management , with a focus on education and technology. Long time free knowledge advocate , she is member of the local Free and Open Source Software Community Floss-PA ( She also contributes to Wikimedia projects and has organized events such as Wiki Loves Monuments in 2012 and 2013.
Alejandro Pérez: tech team member
Electronic Engineer and Free Software and Open Source advocate in the Republic of Panama. Funding member of the Fedora community in Panama and the nonprofit association Floss-Pa. He is a seasoned system administrator and programmer and has the technical expertise needed in the team.
Support members
Ana Cristina Muñóz: lawer
Radamés Navarro: graphic designer
Davinia Uriel: cultural manager
- Date of earliest MOU in jurisdiction
Not applicable
- Self-Identified Region(s), i.e. Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, North America, Arab world:
Latin America
- Why do you identify yourself as being part of the listed region(s)?
Geography (Central America) and language (Spanish)
- Why is Creative Commons important for the jurisdiction?
In many environments in our country (even academics, social media, bloggers, etc) copyright is not taken seriously. There is a generalized thought that if something is on the Internet it can be used freely without attribution or any other compensation to the authors. We see CC as a tool to create awareness and reinforce the concept of copyright among artists, creators, academics, musicians and any person that uses a creative work.
CC gives creators the alternative to share their creative work under conditions that are not possible under traditional copyright, facilitating the control of their work under more flexible conditions, depending on the desires of the author.
- What do you think makes a successful jurisdiction project?
An active community of creators using CC licenses.
Panama chapter recognized in the country as authority in the area of intellectual property.
- How do you see the jurisdiction project contributing to the CC Affiliate Network?
Sharing experiences and collaborating with the CC affiliate network in regional proposals. Also, helping new groups to become affiliate chapters. Since April 2015 we are participating with Central America CC chapters in the creation of a bimonthly bulletin about Free Knowledge and Culture.
- Describe the communities that are currently active in the project.
We are part of these communities:
Fundación Panameña de Tecnologías Libres
These organizations work in Panama to promote topics such as Free Software, Free Knowledge, Digital Rights and organize events periodically, such as the Software Freedom Day, release parties, hackathons, talks and others.
- Describe the communities (existing or new) that you plan to focus on during the timeframe covered by this roadmap?
Public and private universities: to promote the use of CC within the academia (academic publications, thesis and others)
NGOs and groups that create educational content: doing talks and seminars directed towards these groups with the aim of motivating them to use CC licences for the content they produce.
Priority Goals
- What are the three most important focus areas on which the Affiliate Team will work during this time period? Please consider community building and adoption goals among your priorities.
1. Focus-area: Outreach
1- Promote the use of CC licenses through talks and seminars with cultural institutions and NGOs in the country. We organized a tour of five informative talks within December 2014 and March 2015 in different places within Panama city. There were approximately 70 participants in total.
2- Create the CC Panama website. We see it as a tool to expose our work and promote local and international CC activities. Also, as a window to showcase local CC uses.
2. Focus-area: meetings and alliances
1- Organize meetings with NGOs and other public institutions to promote CC licenses and give them ideas on how to incorporate CC policies within their organizations. Also, explore opportunities for funding through local or external organizations to make these ideas a reality.
2- Create alliances with universities to promote the adoption of CC licences and Open Access policies for their publications.
3. Focus-area: licensing CC days
Goal 1- Organize licensing workshops directed to people that produce creative works and don't know how to apply CC licenses to their creations.
Project Outputs
- Detail tangible project outputs (e.g., events, papers, blog posts, video/films, etc.) for each focus area including an expected date of completion. See also Timeline.
CC Tour Panama 2014-2015
- Coworking PTY: December, 2014
- Fundharte: January 5th, 2015
- Casa del Soldado: January 22th, 2015
- Instituto Neoarte: March 18th, 2015
- Casco Station: April 1st, 2015
Meetings and alliances
Meetings with
- University of Panama
- Technological University of Panama
- Latina University
Jornadas de licenciamiento Creative Commons
Prepare at least one licensing day in 2015.
Please consider using trackable statistics (such as web traffic or number of license adoptions) when applicable, but only if meaningful.
- How will you measure and evaluate your impact on focus-area 1?
Participants in outreach events
Social media and website statistics (number of visits, engagement with posts, etc)
- How will you measure and evaluate your impact on focus-area 2?
Number of meetings with NGOs and academic institutions
Number of agreements signed for specific purposes with NGOs and institutions
- How will you measure and evaluate your impact on focus-area 3?
Participants in licensing days
Number of works licensed with CC during the event
Resources Required
- What human resources or expertise must the team seek out or add to your existing resources, if any, in order to achieve your priority goals?
People with technical skills: to create and maintain the local CC affiliate website and assessment on technological tools to promote and facilitate the use of CC licenses.
Likewise, people with abilities to organize and give outreach talks/seminars/workshops about CC
Finally, creators such as artists, writers, photographers, academics, musicians, students and others that can be ambassadors of the local CC movement by using CC licenses in their works and encouraging others to see CC licenses as a viable alternative to "all rights reserved".
- How will you involve these people?
Personal con habilidades técnicas: tenemos relación con la comunidades Floss-PA quienes nos estarán apoyando con los aspectos técnicos.
Contamos actualmente con dos líderes públicas: Lia Hernández y Mónica Mora quienes han trabajado activamente en la parte de divulgación y promoción, dictando talleres y estableciendo alianzas con organizaciones como Ponte en Algo, sitio web de voluntariado quienes aglutinan gran cantidad de ONG y movimientos sociales.
Finalmente, pensamos involucrar a personas usuarias (artistas, escritores, etc) ofreciendo apoyo para licenciar su trabajo.
- What technology resources must the team seek out or add to your existing resources, if any, in order to achieve your priority goals?
Se necesita algo de capital para cubrir los costos de dominio y alojamiento web para la página del capítulo, pero no son costos muy altos.
We have the support of the local foundation PANTEC Floss-PA
- How will you obtain these technology resources?
We plan to cover ourselves the costs of hosting and domain initially.
- What material resources must the team seek out or add to your existing resources, if any, in order to achieve your priority goals?
Consideramos que sería recomendable contar con material gráfico propio sobre las licencias Creative Commons que pudiéramos repartir en charlas/talleres/eventos/seminarios y para esto se necesitará el apoyo de un diseñador gráfico.
- How will you obtain these material resources?
Asking for volunteers. IPANDETEC, one of the affiliate institutions of CC, have an alliance with Ponte en Algo a network that connects volunteers and social/education/other causes.
Sustainability and Scalability
- How will you ensure your goals will be completed if unforeseen circumstances interrupt the project, such as changes in the leadership of the project or outputs taking longer to complete than anticipated?
The best we can do if this happens is to be prepared. In our case we have a team of people that can assume different roles within the chapter in case someone can not continue to participate. Regarding to projects, the strategy can be to split the project into parts and/or reformulate it to reduce the number of activities to the minumum feasible.
- How will you communicate the project's on-going progress and setbacks within the jurisdiction and the CC Affiliate Network? (e.g. email list updates, meetings, press releases)
Mailing lists Monthly meetings Social media (facebook and twitter)
- How will you document the project so that others may replicate or learn from your efforts?
Using a wiki (e.g. mediawiki)
- Please have a look at other roadmaps.
- How could the jurisdiction's plans help drive or support other jurisdictions' activities?
- What are other jurisdictions doing that might support or contribute to the project?
- Would you be interested in mentoring new jurisdiction teams?
- Conversely, would you be interested in having a mentor from a more experienced jurisdiction team?
- Suggest three possible projects on which you can collaborate with other teams on a regional level. If you are not yet involved with the regional network, please contact the regional spokesperson (if any) or notify CC HQ to put you in touch with others.
- How do you plan to contribute to these projects?
- In what language(s) will you promote CC in the jurisdiction and why?
- In which of these languages are licenses already available? CC0?
- Into which of the remaining languages do you intend to translate the licenses? CC0?
- How will you involve the local language(s) community?
- Any additional comments?
(Optional) Timeline
1st Quarter (Month 1/ Month 2/ Month 3)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
2nd Quarter (Month 4/ Month 5/ Month 6)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
3rd Quarter (Month 7/ Month 8/ Month 9)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
4th Quarter (Month 10/ Month 11/ Month 12)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)
- Activity; (Person/Resources)